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[Herramienta] Remere's Map Editor (RME) Nueva Version 2.2 Empty [Herramienta] Remere's Map Editor (RME) Nueva Version 2.2

Lun Jul 16, 2012 6:02 pm
se ah hecho una actualizacion del Remeres Map Editor, la siguiente actualizacion es la 2.2 released!

Después de un año y medio una nueva versión del editor de mapas por fin está disponible, esto agrega soporte para una gran cantidad de versiones del cliente de nuevas 8,7 a 9,6, el apoyo a los mapas comprimidos y mucho más.
Leer el registro de cambios para obtener más detalles sobre lo que es nuevo o ir a la página de descarga para hacerlo ahora mismo.

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8.7, 9.1, 9.2, 9.46, 9.56, 9.6 support
Support for compressed OTBM maps (.otgz)
Better OpenGL initialization (might fix crashes on some systems)
Now loads client versions entirely from files, new client versions can be added without editor update.
Settings are now saved when closing the preferences pane rather than just during shutdown.
Added "Jump to Item" dialog (only jumps to RAW)
Added "Replace Item" dialog.
Added "Doodad Eraser only deletes same doodad type" option.
Fixed some implicit hotkeys.
Can now cycle tabs forwards and backwards by holding shift.
Large terrain palette icons are now the default.
Added "Copy Position" to right click to copy the position as a lua table, also works for areas.
Proper support for OTBMv4 (revscriptsys) map saving/loading
Improved Item Properties dialog for revscriptsys maps (doesn't save etc. still though, so quite useless for now)
Fixed several formatting bugs in dialogs.
Fixed not being able to open 9.20 maps.
Fixed sprite cache not being flushed when reloading sprites / changing versions (could cause the wrong graphic to show up)
Extensions now load for versions after 8.6.
Now loads extensions from %APPDATA%/Roaming, you can access the extensions folder easily from Start -> Programs -> Remere's Map Editor.
Removed advanced graphics settings from preferences.
Lots of minor UI tweaks.


Support for the newer version of the 8.6 OTB.
Loads later dat/spr versions by default.
Fixed crashes relating to importing maps and undo.
Fixed a few spelling mistakes.
Fixed an issue with undo and house exits.


Changed version scheme, 2.0 is the "logical" 1.2.0
You can now configure the cursor color in the editor (check Preferences).
Added 8.60 support.
Added "Remove Unreachable Items" option to the editor, will remove all tiles that cannot be seen by players.
You can now select the directory where screenshots will be saved, also the screenshot hotkey is now configureable.
Optimizations to the editor's allocation strategy, should be slightly faster now. Also it should use slightly less memory (especially the Undo queue).
Fixed a few memory leaks (nothing serious).
Fixed bug with doodad previews / dragging shadow not being rendered.
Editor now loads clients.xml from executable directory if it's not found in AppData.
Added linux installation scripts for Ubuntu.
Remove item by ID / Remove Corpses now properly clears the action queue.
RAW Brush now remove __all__ items with the same toporder from a tile if RAW_LIKE_SIMONE is on (before it only removed one item).
Advanced Graphics pane should now display correctly in Windows 7.
Clicking an icon in the palette now brings keyboard focus to the palette.
Fixed "Highlight Items" only highlighting the ground item on tiles, also, a gradual progression will be shown (darker color when there are more items on a tile).
The "Do you want to recover your lost map" dialog now accepts no as an answer.
Moving tiles to an empty area will now borderize properly.
Added an option to show a grid above the map.
Added an option to view a box that represents the ingame visibility.
You can now configure where screenshots are saved.


Better Linux support, uses ~/.rme/ folder for configuration.
Loads client data file IDs from an XML file, next version will update this file automatically.
Fixed bug under Linux where you could not switch floor using the hotkeys.
Editor now uses the correct 8.54 OTB, it will ask you to convert your map to the proper format the first time you load a bad 8.54 map.
Rectangle around current view in minimap.


remeres map editor 98% Por Crear El Programa
Falcon 1% Por El Post Original
[GOD] ELiT3 1% Por Traerlo
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