- "Ryukend"Miembro
- Mensajes : 120
[Action] Poner teleport con item
Mar Nov 08, 2011 1:09 pm
Bueno la funcion de este script es crear un teleport por medio de un item, k en este caso es el "2361".
(Bueno alguna ves an jugado armada azteca? en el concurso de sillas?, bueno si lo an echo veran k el god crea unos tps sin comando, sino k usando un item (Esa es la funcion de este script)
Tomen en cuenta k el teleport siempre los llevara a la misma posicion, k sera la k ustedes dejen registrada.
Comensemos, iremos a Data/Action/script/. Y crearan un archivo.lua llamado "portal" y agregaran esto:
En donde dice portalPos = {x=1750, y=1594, z=7}
elseif(town == 2) then
portalPos = {x=1750, y=1594, z=7}
elseif(town == 3) then
portalPos = {x=1750, y=1594, z=7} Cambien la Ubicacion pongan el las 3 lo mismo
luego en Action.xml pondran lo siguiente:
Una Imagen en nuestro Ot Demoition de los portales que se crean al usar el Item:
Bueno Si les gusto den +REP si no ni comenten ^^
(Bueno alguna ves an jugado armada azteca? en el concurso de sillas?, bueno si lo an echo veran k el god crea unos tps sin comando, sino k usando un item (Esa es la funcion de este script)
Tomen en cuenta k el teleport siempre los llevara a la misma posicion, k sera la k ustedes dejen registrada.
Comensemos, iremos a Data/Action/script/. Y crearan un archivo.lua llamado "portal" y agregaran esto:
- Código:
-- Don't load the file if the server doesn't support it
if(getTileItemByType == nil or getPlayerGUID == nil or doCreateTeleport == nil) then
error("Your server does not have support for this script!")
local getStore = getPlayerStorageValue -- Making the function smaller =p
local allowedVocations = {2, 6} -- The allowed vocations to create the portal
local clientVersion = 810 -- 800 for 8.0, 792 for 7.92
local timeToRemove = 5 -- Time to remove the portal after it is created. In seconds.
local canUseOnPz = True -- Can it be used in a protection zone? TRUE for yes, FALSE for no
local giveInfightCondition = FALSE -- Should it forbidds the player from logging out while he has a portal? TRUE for yes, FALSE for no
local portalCreationDelay = 0 -- Set(in seconds) the delay time between each created portal. 0 to disable.
local condition = 0
if(giveInfightCondition ~= FALSE) then
condition = createConditionObject(CONDITION_INFIGHT)
setConditionParam(condition, CONDITION_PARAM_TICKS, (timeToRemove * 1000)+2000)
-- Functions declared before using them
local function getPlayerLookPos(cid)
local playerPos = getCreaturePosition(cid)
local lookDir = getPlayerLookDir(cid)
if(lookDir == NORTH) then
playerPos.y = playerPos.y-1
elseif(lookDir == SOUTH) then
playerPos.y = playerPos.y+1
elseif(lookDir == WEST) then
playerPos.x = playerPos.x-1
elseif(lookDir == EAST) then
playerPos.x = playerPos.x+1
return playerPos
local function removePortal(params)
local remItem = getTileItemByType(params.pos, ITEM_TYPE_TELEPORT)
if(remItem.actionid == params.store and getGlobalStorageValue(params.store) == 1) then
doSendMagicEffect(params.pos, CONST_ME_POFF)
setGlobalStorageValue(params.store, 0)
local function canCreatePortal(cid)
-- function based on exhausted-function v1.1 by Alreth
-- <a href="links.php?url=http://otfans.net/showthread.php?t=23607" target="_blank">http://otfans.net/showthread.php?t=23607</a>
if(portalCreationDelay == 0) then
return true
local newExhaust = os.time()
local oldExhaust = getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 65000)
if(oldExhaust == nil or oldExhaust < 0) then
oldExhaust = 0
local diffTime = os.difftime(newExhaust, oldExhaust)
if(diffTime >= portalCreationDelay or diffTime < 0) then
setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 65000, newExhaust)
return true
return false
--End of functions
function onUse(cid, item, frompos, item2, topos)
local portalPos = {x=getStore(cid, 8997), y=getStore(cid, 8998), z=getStore(cid, 8999)}
local playerPos = getCreaturePosition(cid)
local storage = 9000 + getPlayerGUID(cid)
if(portalPos.x < 0 or portalPos.y < 0 or portalPos.z < 0)then
local town = getPlayerTown(cid)
if(town == 1) then
portalPos = {x=100, y=100, z=7}
elseif(town == 2) then
portalPos = {x=452, y=338, z=6}
elseif(town == 3) then
portalPos = {x=796, y=1025, z=8}
--Add many towns as you wish.
local useFromPos = {x=frompos.x, y=frompos.y, z=frompos.z}
if(useFromPos.x == 65535) then
useFromPos = {x=playerPos.x, y=playerPos.y, z=playerPos.z}
if(topos.x == 65535 or (topos.x == 1000 and topos.y == 1000 and topos.z == 7)) then
return FALSE
if(portalPos.x == topos.x and portalPos.y == topos.y and portalPos.z == topos.z) then
doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "You cannot create a portal in the same place you are going to!")
return TRUE
if(canUseOnPz == FALSE and (getTilePzInfo(topos) == TRUE or getTilePzInfo(useFromPos) == TRUE)) then
return TRUE
if(isInArray(allowedVocations, getPlayerVocation(cid)) == TRUE or getPlayerAccess(cid) ~= 0) then
if(canCreatePortal(cid) or getPlayerAccess(cid) ~= 0) then
if(getGlobalStorageValue(storage) ~= 1) then
local addPos = {x=topos.x, y=topos.y, z=topos.z}
if(clientVersion < 800) then
addPos = getPlayerLookPos(cid)
local portal = doCreateTeleport(1387, portalPos, addPos)
doSetItemActionId(portal, storage)
if(clientVersion < 810) then
doSendMagicEffect(addPos, CONST_ME_ENERGYAREA)
doSendMagicEffect(addPos, CONST_ME_TELEPORT)
if(doSendDistanceShoot ~= nil) then
doSendDistanceShoot(playerPos, addPos, CONST_ANI_ENERGY)
doSendMagicEffect(playerPos, CONST_ME_MAGIC_GREEN)
setGlobalStorageValue(storage, 1)
local params = {pid=cid, store=storage, pos=addPos}
addEvent(removePortal, timeToRemove * 1000, params)
if(giveInfightCondition == TRUE) then
doTargetCombatCondition(0, cid, condition, CONST_ME_NONE)
doSendMagicEffect(playerPos, CONST_ME_POFF)
doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "You already have a portal.")
doSendMagicEffect(playerPos, CONST_ME_POFF)
doSendMagicEffect(playerPos, CONST_ME_POFF)
doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "You do not have the required vocation.")
return TRUE
En donde dice portalPos = {x=1750, y=1594, z=7}
elseif(town == 2) then
portalPos = {x=1750, y=1594, z=7}
elseif(town == 3) then
portalPos = {x=1750, y=1594, z=7} Cambien la Ubicacion pongan el las 3 lo mismo
luego en Action.xml pondran lo siguiente:
- Código:
<action itemid="2361" event="script" value="portal.lua" />
Una Imagen en nuestro Ot Demoition de los portales que se crean al usar el Item:
Bueno Si les gusto den +REP si no ni comenten ^^
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