*Es como abrir el guild channel, al abrir este channel se van mostrando las muertes en tiempo real desde que abriste el programa.
P.D Cualquier error, duda o problema responder en este tema y yo lo ayudare
Imagen Para darte una mejor idea:
Crea un archivo llamado playerdeath.lua En CREATURESCRIPTS y Copia y pega lo siguiente.
function onDeath(cid, corpse, deathList)
local strings = {""} local t, position = 1, 1
local deathType = "killed" local toSlain, toCrushed, toEliminated = 3, 9, 15
if #deathList >= toSlain and #deathList < toCrushed then deathType = "slain" elseif #deathList >= toCrushed and #deathList < toEliminated then deathType = "crushed" elseif #deathList >= toEliminated then deathType = "eliminated" end
for _, pid in ipairs(deathList) do if isCreature(pid) == true then strings[position] = t == 1 and "" or strings[position] .. ", " strings[position] = strings[position] .. getCreatureName(pid) .. "" t = t + 1 else strings[position] = t == 1 and "" or strings[position] .. ", " strings[position] = strings[position] .."a field item" t = t + 1 end end
for i, str in ipairs(strings) do if(str:sub(str:len()) ~= ",") then str = str .. "." end
msg = getCreatureName(cid) .. " was " .. deathType .. " at level " .. getPlayerLevel(cid) .. " by " .. str end
for _, oid in ipairs(getPlayersOnline()) do doPlayerSendChannelMessage(oid, "Death channel", msg, TALKTYPE_CHANNEL_O, CHANNEL_DEATH) end return true end
Ahora, agrega esto a tu login.lua de creaturescripts/scripts.